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Hypnotherapy Myths Debunked

Calm Sunset __ Samothraki Greece _edited


Fact or Fiction?

Myth: Am I going to get stuck in the hypnotic state?

Fact: Absolutely not! You go into the hypnotic state at will, and you can come out at will. It is impossible to get stuck in the hypnotic state. During our sessions I will guide you gently out of the hypnotic state, but you are always free to open your eyes and terminate it yourself – though it is not recommended because, of course, you’re here to be a part of the process!



Myth: Can you cure my issue instantly?

Fact: Unfortunately, nothing is instant, but within one or two sessions of hypnosis you may be enabled to break your habit. There is no one size fits all for hypnotherapy – what you put into it is exactly what you will get out of it.



Myth: People cannot actually be hypnotized.

Fact: 90% of people can be successfully hypnotized. Again, hypnotherapy only works as well as you are willing to allow it.



Myth: Hypnosis is only for gullible and weak people.

Fact: Quite the opposite actually – remember that 10% who cannot be hypnotized?  You cannot hypnotize a weak-minded person.  It takes strength, fortitude and a desire to change, and most of all cooperation and willingness to accept suggestions.  The more intelligent and creative a person is, the easier they are to hypnotize.  Analytical and controlling people are more difficult to hypnotize because the desire to change is not fully present yet.



Myth: What if I am not in control during my session?

Fact: Hypnosis does not work against your will.  You have to be fully willing, committed, confident, accepting of suggestion and free from fear and the need to be in control.  Fear is the biggest mind block we have, and fear only inhibits us from becoming the best versions of ourselves.



Myth: You can make me say or do anything if you hypnotize me!

Fact: You have more power than you realize.  No one under hypnosis can be made to do anything they do not want to do – that is precisely why it works best when you are fully committed to the process and to change your behavior.  You will reject any suggestion you do not want, and you will only select the suggestions you are willing to accept.


Even further, you can lie and withhold information during hypnosis.  You do not have to reveal anything you do not want to reveal.  Of course, this inhibits our progress if you choose this route, but my job is to create a safe space for you to be open and willing to communicate what comes up for you.



Myth: I am afraid I will fall asleep and be unaware of my surroundings.

Fact: Again, the opposite occurs: during hypnosis, awareness is actually increased.  You are fully aware of everything going on around you, and you are able to have a full conversation that you will remember during your state of expanded awareness.



So no, you will not cluck like a chicken or moo like a cow.  Stage hypnosis is not real, and all it has done is put a cape and a watch onto a very real, proven and science-based method of healing.  You are always safe, secure and free to choose what you would like to share.  We communicate with the subconscious mind, and you are hyperaware of what that communication will look like.

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